Installation fails on debian


i have a relatively new installation of Debian 10 running with Xfce Desktop.

I followed the instruction on /etc/issue


Docker version 19.03.4
docker-compose version 1.24.1

Docker ist running under a sudo user (sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER})
if I run docker run hello-world, things seem to be ok.

Starting from ~/streamsheets/services/scripts/linux$ gives me: 6: Bad substitution
docker-compose up on base services...
Removing streamsheets-gateway
streamsheets-internal-broker is up-to-date
streamsheets-internal-redis is up-to-date
Starting broker ...
reverseproxy is up-to-date
streamsheets-internal-database is up-to-date
Starting broker                              ... error
Recreating e3c9d642b707_streamsheets-gateway ...
ERROR: for broker  Cannot start service broker: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint broker (51c0549a873186e1104853669a41d7eae5c11ce38569de57637ceeeffc4fda3f): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bRecreating e3c9d642b707_streamsheets-gateway ... error
ERROR: for e3c9d642b707_streamsheets-gateway  Cannot start service streamsheets-gateway: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint streamsheets-gateway (b1728d4cac55026eefc7eb7654b796ba0e953f447cc7f4251bf06bba2b87678a): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: for broker  Cannot start service broker: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint broker (51c0549a873186e1104853669a41d7eae5c11ce38569de57637ceeeffc4fda3f): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: for streamsheets-gateway  Cannot start service streamsheets-gateway: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint streamsheets-gateway (b1728d4cac55026eefc7eb7654b796ba0e953f447cc7f4251bf06bba2b87678a): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Any hint´s whats wrong?

I´m running thingsboard and node-red on the same machine, which use port 1880 and port 8080. Any way to prevent collisions?

Hi Eckehard,
i had a similar issue with port collisions on port 8080.
I could prevent the collision by setting the streamsheets-gateway from 8080:8080/tcp to 8082:8080/tcp

So the internal docker-network port is still 8080, but on your local machine the gateway is listen to 8082.

For my simple testing purpose this was the solution.

you can change this port in the docker-compose File

More about the ports from streamsheets and how to change them you can find in this Thread: Port Usage Streamsheets


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Brilliant, this solves the problem. Thank you for the quick response!

One errors still occurs, which does not seem to have any effect: 6: Bad substitution

looking to the script I have no clue, how to fix:
SCRIPT_LOCATION="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"