How to extract data from topic and send it to specific row?

Moin Moin moinmoin,

Sorry about that joke :wink: .
I love your use case and I went ahead to solve it for the first 50 of your devices.
Check out the export I attached.

What did I do:

First, I simulated some devices in one sheet and added another which consumes the send data.

I used the metadata section of the inbox to check the ā€œtopicā€ and the ā€œarrivalTimeā€.
In C4 the function MID() is used to get only the second part of your topic structure.
Streamsheets uses Excel time. So 1 equals 1 day. So 1 minute equals 0,0006944 (F2).

All I now did was to copy the ā€œarrivalTimeā€ of a device in a dedicated cell. Another cell now checks, if this time is now older than 1 minute and turns from green to red if that turns out to be true.


I added some $ signs to be able to simply drag the cells and still get the right results. Done :slight_smile:
The dragging also worked for ā€œdevice1ā€.



Status Check.json (46.1 KB)