Receiving old data from mosquitto broker in persistance check

i have kept data persistance check for 2 days like Nov-28-2022 to Nov-30-2022 and after that i got data in mosquitto broker…and again i kept for 2 days data pesistance…if i check in my mosquitto broker with recent 2 days of data am getting (Nov-28-2022 to Nov-30-2022) these old data also…i dont want that old data again to come with new data…can anyone please help me out on this
mosquitto.conf file

Hi Karthik,

I’m not exactly sure what the problem you’re seeing is, but let me take a guess. There are only two ways you could get old data. First, when a client reconnects if it has queued messages waiting for it then they will be delivered - but this will only happen once, so I don’t think that can be the case here. Second, if you have messages on multiple topics that have been set to retained. In that case, when you reconnect and resubscribe, the retained messages will be delivered to you again.

Does that sound like it could be what is effecting you? If not, could you please give some more details.



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