Unable to get Mosquitto to log

Having issues getting Mosquitto to generate logging.

Installed Mosquitto.
Started Mosquitto from the command prompt .\mosquitto.exe
Mosquitto.conf is configured for logging as below:

log_dest file mosquitto.log (tried multiple versions)
log_type debug

Thanks for the help.

Hello o2zen,

you have been posting a slightly extended question after you posted this question.
Here is the answer you have received from this question:

" Hi,

If you start with just .\mosquitto.exe then it won’t load a config file. You should use .\mosquitto.exe -c mosquitto.conf. Even better, use mosquitto as a windows service and it will load the config for you from C:\Program Files\mosquitto\mosquitto.conf.

I hope that helps.


If you need further information or advice please let me know.

Best regards