My system is receiving data at 1s intervals by MQTT. Packed within the JSON message is an array of 10 elements sampled at 0.1s. To make extraction of the data easier, I’m using the indirect function. With the data extracted, I’m trying to use the fact that things are procesed left to right and top down to build a time series (for example, 3 messages in total comprising 30 observations over 3s). When I do this when accessing the data directly, it works as expected, however, if I try to build the time series by accessing the indirect function ( I have the indirect pointing to the data at the bottom of the sheet and then use “=” pointing to the indirects in some cells above) , I get the same values…ie no time series creation.
I’m thinking maybe I need to use something other than the simple “=” way of accessing the data found by the indirect. As such, I tried copyvalues, but rather than returning the values, it returns the cell location (e.g. B134) instead of the value of the cell location (something like indirect(“B134”))…I tried indirect(copyvalues(… and that doesn’t seem to work either.