New to these. How is your experience on Mosquitto stability and reliabilty as 24/7 server? May be with Linux OS?
I am running 1 Mosquitto broker and about 15 clients since 2 years and had zero stability or reliability issues. It’s been a pleasure in this regard. The broker is currently v2.0.11 running on a Debian 11 server, the clients are various versions running on (mostly) Debian and Ubuntu systems. For encrypted connections I use PSK. The number of messages and connections is rather low, though, compared to what I heard about the volume of others: 35 clients (as in steady connections) connected, 1.3 new connections/min, 4k bytes/min, 200 msg/min,
Many thanks.
May I ask which OS (CLI or desktop GUI) and CPU family (Intel, AMD or ARM/Rasbperry Pi,…)?
I wonder if the Intel family got more fully debugger due to larger number of professional IT business server users?
All OS as mentioned. All clients use CLI. Mostly Intel CPUs, many clients are VMware VMs though.