Help with subscribing to External Broker

Hello, i want to establish a permanent connection on an external broker, so that Cedalo can recieve all data from the topic i subscibed. Im new to MQTT and Cedalo so I dont have that much knowledge.

I know how to create a bridge, since i had to build one to one of our Chirpstack brokers to collect its data on Cedalo. But now I have the problem that i have to subscribe to the broker from an external company.

They gave me following credentials:
port 8883

Those credentials work since i can get all data when using mosquitto_sub, but i somehow cant get that bridge to work. I tried adding a listener 8883 but that also didnt happen. The external company also told me that it cant be a problem on their side since it works on all other customers, but they use an EMQX broker instead of mosquitto.

My mosquitto.conf has the default setup and until now we only used port 1883 for communication.

Hello CenkLP,

The MQTT bridge generally works as an MQTT client and, therefore, should not run into trouble connecting to another broker.

To set up a bridge on Mosquitto you need to change the mosquitto.conf file to connect on start to the other broker.
Have you already done that?
Details can be found here:

Please try the configurations as described. If you have further trouble, check the logs on start of Mosquitto, it will tell you about the state of the bridge.

If this also does not help, please add the used configurations to here, so I can have a look. :slight_smile: