Hi Stefan,
Thanks a lot for your thorough explaination. I am very glad to hear that cedalo’s mosquitto supports websocket. Next I will try to find out what mistake I am making here.
And thanks for your instructions about finding the causes of my problem. The following is what I am having here.
For web socket enable in the conf file. I belive it’s done. This is because I could see message “mosquitto_1 | 1628516882: Opening websockets listen socket on port 8080.” when starting cedalo’s mosquitto. And trust me, I have been using websocket to communicate with mosquitto broker for years. So setting up the conf that has websocket enabled is out of the question.
For url settings in my app, as I mentioned in my message I have two copies of mosquitto on the same server. When I use the eclipse mosquitto, I could use my app connecting to the broker via websocket. But when switching to cedalo’s mosquitto, I cannot use my app connecting to broker via websocket. Same server same url just the mosquitto is diffrent. So I believe url is not the cause.
For clients/groups/roles, I tested cedalo mosquitto with mqtt.fx. Everything works great. Actually, I find cedalo’s mosquitto being better. I actually encountered an issue using eclipse mosquitto. The problem is I cannot use mosquitto_ctrl to create client with clientid associated to it.
I submitted this issue to the eclipse mosquitto’s github. The issue can be seen in the following link.
And the above issue is one of the major resons I am using cedalo’s mosquitto instead of eclipse’s.
You guys are the experts and if you could give me some advice regarding the above issue that will be awesome! If not, that’s fine. I know I am not the only one having the above issue.
Sorry I am kinda carried away here. In short, I tested cedalo’s mosquitto with mqtt.fx and everything is ok. So client/role/group is not a problem. The problem I am experiencing is just when I am using websocket to connect to cedalo’s mosquitto.
Anyhow, I will keep on trying to find out the reason why. Will let you know what mistake I made if I find it.