Hello Everyone!
I am trying bridge connection from mosquitto MQTT explorer to EMQX cloud connection using 8883 port in windows machine. I am facing difficulty connecting to cloud. earlier I had tried to connect using 1883 port and it connected perfectly fine and I received data at EMQX cloud. In the case of 8883 port I tried to connect to cloud but it didn’t connect. I downloaded ca certificate from EMQX cloud and gave the path to access certificate in mosquitto.conf file but still it doesn’t work. I also created username and password and added to the mosquitto.conf file. which I had created in cloud authentication section. Can you check if anything is missing or needs to be changed?
Here’s the code that I used in mosquitto.conf file in bridge section.
Bridge to EMQX Cloud
connection emqx_cloud_bridge
address nae*****.ala.dedicated.aws.emqxcloud.com:8883
Replace with the username and password provided by EMQX Cloud
username ku****
password ku****
Topics to bridge
topic # both 0
Set bridge clean session
cleansession true
Optional: Configure bridge keepalive (adjust as needed)
keepalive_interval 60
Optional: Enable start-type automatic connection
start_type automatic
clientid mosquitto_bridge_8883
bridge_cafile C:\Users\emqxcloud-ca.crt
bridge_insecure false # Validate the server certificate
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2 # Use TLS 1.2 for secure communication
try_private false # Avoid forwarding reserved topics
notifications false # Skip $SYS topics
Start the bridge automatically
start_type automatic