Mosquitto bridge connection to cloud

Hello Everyone!

I am trying bridge connection from mosquitto MQTT explorer to EMQX cloud connection using 8883 port in windows machine. I am facing difficulty connecting to cloud. earlier I had tried to connect using 1883 port and it connected perfectly fine and I received data at EMQX cloud. In the case of 8883 port I tried to connect to cloud but it didn’t connect. I downloaded ca certificate from EMQX cloud and gave the path to access certificate in mosquitto.conf file but still it doesn’t work. I also created username and password and added to the mosquitto.conf file. which I had created in cloud authentication section. Can you check if anything is missing or needs to be changed?

Here’s the code that I used in mosquitto.conf file in bridge section.

Bridge to EMQX Cloud

connection emqx_cloud_bridge
address nae*****

Replace with the username and password provided by EMQX Cloud

username ku****
password ku****

Topics to bridge

topic # both 0

Set bridge clean session

cleansession true

Optional: Configure bridge keepalive (adjust as needed)

keepalive_interval 60

Optional: Enable start-type automatic connection

start_type automatic

clientid mosquitto_bridge_8883

bridge_cafile C:\Users\emqxcloud-ca.crt
bridge_insecure false # Validate the server certificate
bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2 # Use TLS 1.2 for secure communication
try_private false # Avoid forwarding reserved topics
notifications false # Skip $SYS topics

Start the bridge automatically

start_type automatic


My first idea would be that something related to the server certificate validation does not work as expected.

Can you set the log level to all and restart the broker? After this, look into the logs to see if there is further information about why the bridge is not connecting.

as per your advise i looked into the log file and found error related to bridge_tls_version tls1.2
so i comment it and run mosquitto service again by restarting and the bridge got connected to cloud.

thank you for your suggestion.

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