Mosquitto Broker Bridge connection not reconnecting

I have a mosquitto Broker B1 running on a Windows 10 machine, that has few mqtt clients, and another broker B2 running on Linux Cloud VM.
B1 is bridged to B2 on port 61883
Sometimes, The bridge connection does not reconnectes until I restart the Windows 10 machine.
Here is my mosquitto.conf file:


General configuration


max_keepalive 65535
max_packet_size 268435455
max_queued_messages 0

persistent_client_expiration 1d
queue_qos0_messages true




listener 1883




autosave_interval 120
autosave_on_changes true
persistence true
persistence_file mosquitto.db
persistence_location C:\Program Files\mosquitto




allow_anonymous true




connection bridge-vmbroker
topic # both 0
cleansession false
notifications false
remote_password #####
remote_username #####


Would it be possible for you to share some logs with us, from when this is happening?
Best would be with log_type all set in the config file.