No Device Data with mosquitto_sub

i installed mosquitto (2.0.11) and zigbee2mqtt on Debian 11 Host. I could connect Sonoff Device and see it in Zigbee2MQTT. I setup mosquitto with Port 1833 and allow_untrust true.

If i run mosquitto_sub -v -t “zigbee2mqtt/DoorWindow” -h -p 1883, i see lot of data, but no device information like battery or contact status. If i run mosquitto_sub -v -t “zigbee2mqtt/#” -h -p 1883, i see a lot of data. Most of them information about using of mosquitto and only two hits for DoorWindow Device if i search in this.

If i try to connect from MQTT Analyser / Explorer i got the same information, but no device details.
Any idea to solve this?

We are sorry, this sounds more like a problem in Zigbee. As the broker itselft seems to be working I cannot tell you why you donÄt see the expected data. You may check the config of the broker, if there is any kind of permission/ACL check configured. In this published messages may not be visible to your connection.
One more option would be to enable debug log by adding a

log_type all

to the mosquitto.conf file. In this case the broker sill start to report all kind of client messages. This way you will be able to see, if there are messages published or not. If they are nore published you need to check inside ZigBee how to make it publish the desired messages to the broker.