Mosquitto supports TLS connection between clients and broker. How do I get that set up between the management center and the broker?
Hi iotrainmaker,
Thank you for this question.
This is something we have on our roadmap and will be included in a future release!
Cheers Tizian
hey there, how is the current status with the community edition of the management center? I am using self-signed client-server certificates with a custom CA on all of my devices, except for Tasmota which uses finger printing SSL. I saw that there is the option for the pro-version to use ca/clients under the connection settings. Since I cannot use this (and I am in Docker on a Raspberry Pi) are there any other options to secure the connection between the management center and the broker? I am using version 2.9.5 by the way, which is the latest to be found on github.