TLS connection between Broker and management center

Mosquitto supports TLS connection between clients and broker. How do I get that set up between the management center and the broker?

Hi iotrainmaker,

Thank you for this question. :slight_smile:
This is something we have on our roadmap and will be included in a future release!

Cheers Tizian

hey there, how is the current status with the community edition of the management center? I am using self-signed client-server certificates with a custom CA on all of my devices, except for Tasmota which uses finger printing SSL. I saw that there is the option for the pro-version to use ca/clients under the connection settings. Since I cannot use this (and I am in Docker on a Raspberry Pi) are there any other options to secure the connection between the management center and the broker? I am using version 2.9.5 by the way, which is the latest to be found on github.