I am programming firstly in C# in .NET 8 with the mqttnet library, let me explain my goal, I want to use MQTT to update a large amount of data in a graphical interface called HMI in the electrical industry, how many data I mean? so far I am testing with 10k topics, for the moment I am only sending the date in the payload property (DateTime.Now.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff”)).
The structure of the topics is the following test/device/param, for now device and param are numerical data, for example test/100/29, the topics start in test/1/1 and end in test/100/100.
Reading the documentation, I understood that MQTT is very fast to process large amount of data, but I am not seeing times that convince me, since between the topical test/1/1 and the test/1/1 of the next round, I am finding that the difference is more than 2 minutes.
I get this time by scheduling everything linear, now, after adding tasks, where the tasks in C# are supposed to work as different threads, the times between each pass is reduced to between 1 minute and 30 seconds, but for me it is not enough, since as they are systems that should be real time, the most that is allowed is 1 or 2 seconds between each update, and how it is important information, of course I am using QoS 2.
So, I decided to write it and if you can help me to clear the doubts that if MQTT can help me with my problem, if the problem is the programming language or some configuration that I may be missing?
The settings I have enabled are:
- max_connections -1
- message_size_limit 268435455
- persistence true
- persistence_location C:\mosquitto\data
Thanks for reading and for the help.