Streamsheets Pro trial connect to external broker


I’m using the Streamsheets Pro trial version. I’m trying to connect to an external broker. In the “Accounts Settings - MQTT section” - I configure a remote broker with login/password access. The test shows that there is a connection and after a second it disconnects. The broker’s logs record a connection followed by a disconnection.

1704872863: New client connected from as 0.6442560741243382 (p5, c1, k60, u’userpass2’).
1704872863: No will message specified.
1704872863: Sending CONNACK to 0.6442560741243382 (0, 0)
1704872864: Received DISCONNECT from 0.6442560741243382
1704872864: Client 0.6442560741243382 disconnected.

When there is connection try from the “App - Connection” window, the connection does not occur at all, but in the broker logs there is such an record.

1704872833: New connection from on port 1883.
1704872838: Client closed its connection.

Can you please tell me what’s wrong?

There was a connection to the internal broker. But I accidentally deleted the password. How can I recover my internal broker access password?

P.S. External broker checked and working well with other clients.

Hello svv,

We have reinstated your internal MQTT password.
For your connection question, I will come back to you shortly!



Thanks. Now it working. External broker too. I did nothing. Maybe your reinit of the account helped?

Hello Svv,

Great to hear. The problem was the use of MQTTv5 was wrongly set on our server. DevOps changed it, and now it should work. Thak you for flagging it.



Unfortunately not fixed. I’ve removed that external broker account and and add another one. Same situation.

Internal broker also lost connection.

And now they work again