I’m using the Streamsheets Pro trial version. I’m trying to connect to an external broker. In the “Accounts Settings - MQTT section” - I configure a remote broker with login/password access. The test shows that there is a connection and after a second it disconnects. The broker’s logs record a connection followed by a disconnection.
1704872863: New client connected from as 0.6442560741243382 (p5, c1, k60, u’userpass2’).
1704872863: No will message specified.
1704872863: Sending CONNACK to 0.6442560741243382 (0, 0)
1704872864: Received DISCONNECT from 0.6442560741243382
1704872864: Client 0.6442560741243382 disconnected.
When there is connection try from the “App - Connection” window, the connection does not occur at all, but in the broker logs there is such an record.
1704872833: New connection from on port 1883.
1704872838: Client closed its connection.
Can you please tell me what’s wrong?
There was a connection to the internal broker. But I accidentally deleted the password. How can I recover my internal broker access password?
P.S. External broker checked and working well with other clients.