Logging into Sreamsheets (cedalo platforrm)

Wasn’t sure which category to select so starting here.
Have installed cedalo platform as per (Installation | Cedalo Platform).

As I had some problems logging into streamsheets and wanted to start with as clean a setup as reasonably possible, I started this process over this morning and completely uninstalled and reinstalled Docker.

I used the following command to install the platform:
docker run -it -v F:\cedalo_platform:/cedalo cedalo/installer:2-win

I select the default install options and the initial install completed with the following:
Successfully installed the following services: Management Center for Eclipse Mosquitto, Eclipse Streamsheets, Eclipse Mosquitto 2.0

Using the client and password information from the document (F:\cedalo_platform\mosquitto\mosquitto_client_info.txt), I’ve not been able to get past the login with credentials that are accepted.

I’ve looked around and the terminal commands seem primarily for client, group, and role management. I tried creating a new user and also change the streamsheets client password with no success. I haven’t found anything that looks like a log with the exception of the cmd stdout.

I’m not sure what else to send or if I’m rushing into something that you wish to not support at this time so I’ll stop here but with the offer to provide additional information if you let me know what would be useful.

OS: Win 10 x64
Docker Desktop: 3.1.0
Browser: tried both Chrome and Firefox

Hi Kweb,

No worries we will get to the bottom of this :slight_smile:
If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the default user/password for Streamsheets.
This is “admin” “1234”.

The password you found in F:\cedalo_platform\mosquitto\mosquitto_client_info.txt
Is only for the mosquitto broker access.

If you are using Streamsheets outside your local network, we strongly suggest changing the password!

I hope that answers your question! :slight_smile:



ouch… thank for the kind help. I’m not sure why I thought things had changed but I got it in my head that they had. thank you!

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No problem. We are in the middle of merging the Streamsheets docs to the Cedalo platform docs. So after this process this should also be better to spot :slight_smile: