Mqtt connection timeout

I have installed streamsheets using docker on my linux machine. It runs and and can access the web interface and sheets. I have configured a mqtt connector, I am trying my own installed mqtt server and the public mosquitto server (mqtt:// But whatever I configure, streamsheets always gives a timeout on the connection.

The brokers are running and I can connect to them with mqttbox from my laptop.

hi wkleunen,

If I understand correctly, you are not able to connect either with the example mosquitto server nor your own broker, out of Streamsheets.
Did the default MQTT connector work?

I wasn´t able to test out the test.mosquitto:1883, because it has reached the maximum amount of connected clients.

Do you mind sending a screenshot of the other connection you tried? Maybe I can spot a problem there. :slight_smile:
Another thing to check could be firewall settings.

Cheers Tizian

ah yes, with the builtin mosquitto 2.0 it does seem to connect…

only thing is, what are the default credentials for the mqtt broker

ah yes, i have it working now with mosquitto 2.0

It also works with my external broker now:

It is the broker from mqtt_cpp:

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